With the vision of making metering SMART in India, we believe in providing solution that makes living convenient today. Gone are the days where we stood in queues for paying our electricity bills, modern living has accentuated the standards of basic functions of an everyday lifestyle.
Our experienced team strives to make prepaid metering solution affordable and accessible across Delhi NCR. We have a long way ahead but we are looking forward to it!
Prepaid Metering Solution
Our meters are all BIS IS:13779 compliant -ensuring premium quality and precision standards. Our prepaid metering solution is complied by XENIUS. Offering Real-time monitoring of electricity consumption, bill generation and daily, monthly & yearly reports available on the mobile app/dashboard. Our Solution helps you with real-time updates on consumption and generation. Online Recharge(using society coupons) provision is also available through our mobile app. Know when your electricity is running on GRID or DG supply – right on your app!